So many things. So little time. Today, I have some quick things to share with you. First, Zenful Life Living's focus is Body, Mind, and Spirit, not just sex. Okay, I know I talk a lot about it, but in a few days you will see why it is such a major topic and how it all ties together. Second, I hope you caught the Superblood Mood Eclipse last night. It was beautiful. It also has great importance to you life. As a life force on the planet, you are connected to every other life force. Planets, people, animals, the tides... everything. The Moon came in last night under the Zodiac sign Aries which is actually the beginning of the Zodiac signs....WHAT DOES THIS ALL MEAN? Well grasshopper... it means now is YOUR TIME? It is time for new bold moves, the start of something for which the Universe has been waiting on just YOU for. YES... YOU! You are unique and different and no one else can do actually what you can do. The Aries Moon says, be bold, courageous and do it now! Third. I seem to not have enough time nor organization to do everything the Universe is setting up for me to do. This is a real CHALLENGE for me. As a challenge, I want to conquer it. Now if I said it was a problem, I would want to get rid of it and stop doing it as quickly as possible. Big difference huh? Damn right! It is all about the conversation you have with yourself and what you put out into the Universe. NO more problems unless it is something or someone you want to get rid of like old dirty laundry. Work through your challenges and reach new heights. 9/26/2015 did he just say truffle butter?I just had a birthday, and as I creep closer to 50, I have some realizations. These are 10 "UM!" things that came to me during this year.
9/25/2015 from relationship overload to recoveryWhen relationships begin, they're fun and exciting. You spend time together doing fun things and when your partner goes home or heads off to work, you get to spend some time on your own reflecting about how much fun you've had. You look forward to seeing each other again with a sense of anticipation and excitement. All healthy relationships go through periods of highs and lows. When things are running high, everyone's happy. But when things are at a low point, one or both partners may begin to doubt their feelings. You might start thinking this person might not be right for you because the feelings just aren't there today. Perhaps your partner seems distant and preoccupied and isn't showing the same level of interest in you today as in previous days. Burn out can happen simply because you're both trying to sustain the high-intensity emotions for far too long. It could also mean you're spending all your time in each other's company with no chance to unwind and enjoy that sense of anticipation until you see each other again. Many people are guilty of this early in a relationship. I call this The Newness. They forget to socialize with other friends. They give up their usual hobbies and interests so they can spend more time with their new-found love. While it's fun at first, it can also lead to feeling unfulfilled in other areas of your life. Just because you're in a relationship, it's unrealistic to expect every other area of your life to stop. You also can't expect your partner to give up friends, hobbies or interests he or she had before they met you, unless they're detrimental to the relationship. RECOVERY Nobody can feel ecstatically blissful 100% of the time, 24/7. It's exhausting and what I call, The Newness Wearing Off. So when those lulls or low-patches happen, don't take it personally. They're often a sign that you may need to spend some time doing something fun for yourself and re-energize that independent streak within you. Not only will it give you and your partner time to miss each other, but you'll both be doing something you enjoy, which gives you something fun to talk about when you do see each other again. Trying to beg your partner for an answer about why he or she is being distant today is likely to push them further away instead of bringing them closer. Everyone needs a little time alone to recharge and think, so allow your partner the courtesy of a little time when they need it. This will also give you time to get back in touch with yourself. 9/12/2015 what's your story?"MIC CHECK MIC CHECK"... stop and take a look at where you are. What is the story you are telling yourself about where you are vs where you want to be? How's that working for you? Are you telling yourself the same old tired excuses? Are you stuck back on the old story that got you where you are and now it is time to move forward with a new story? Is your relationship with yourself and others moving you forward or feeling like a noose around your neck? Is your sex life satisfying your current desires or is it back in the dark ages? Have you created a bond with a past wound because you have become comfortable with not risking change? What about your weight...Are you holding on to a comfort of the known as to the unknown? How do any of these things serve you are keep you playing small?
We carry all of our past experiences, relationships, culture...but those situations that were not positive, don't have to keep us stuck forever. YES, it will be there. It is a permanent part of your existence. SORRY. Someone else will tell you that you can just let it all go, but we are a sum total of our past. Your past is truly what has put you were you are now. Good, bad or indifferent. This makes you who you are. Yet, if your old story is holding you back, pick up a pen and write a new chapter to your story. As Glenda the Good Witch, "You have always had it". Then, remember, you don't have to write the end of your story just yet. You have the power to define YOUR OWN future. |
Author I am a woman, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a mother, an Integrative Archives
February 2020
CategoriesAll Adult Fun Curve Balls Enough Said! Health And Wellness Live Fearless Marriage #METOO Relationships Self Care Teachable Moments The Truth Werk! |