There is a time at a moment that just the right thing comes at the right time. I mean you get the right thought or expression, where nothing else fits the occasion. I HAVE IT! And I want to share it with you. It is my latest expression. It works for just about everything or everybody that is trying to work your last nerve. I mean how somebody gonna try and take away my ZEN.
So, to those people I say…. “Keep it movin!” Really, it is really an all encompassing expression. It works for when verbal or physical action is required. There is no need to try and take away my ZEN. The world is a mess enough without me adding to it, so just let me be my happy self. As for you, don’t let the blood suckers in your life reduce you to something that is not your true authentic self. There is something to be honored about a person that can smile despite adversity. You can’t please everyone and should not have to spend your time trying. So just tell them, “Keep it movin!” Your ZEN is not going anywhere. |
Author I am a woman, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a mother, an Integrative Archives
February 2020