5/14/2016 the best job in the world!I have the best job. No really, I have created a rewarding career that allows me to be authentic while helping others. I’m an Intimacy Empowerment Coach which as I define it, allows me to guide adults to define their NO to get to their YES, and that’s a wonderful thing. This is where freedom and peace of mind, body and spirit all hang out cohesively together. Although, to go back to where it all began, I go to my becoming a Health and Wellness Coach and more important than the title is the R & D… you know, the research and development. By using integrative methodology, I again get to learn about, explore, correct and develop the mind, the body and the spirit and again, it’s A WONDERFUL THING. The human genome is an interdependent system to every other living thing on the planet. This means that I am like the 6 degrees of separation to my client’s issues as they are to the person next to them and so on and so forth. Yet, it is like being charged to hold the secrets, stories and lives of people within my being like attorney client privilege. To be one’s Confidant is a high charge for which I hold protected space. Yet with having the best job there are basic principles that must be followed. “To whom much is given, much is expected”. I get it. But for my own authenticity, others must know that I walk that which I talk. Some think I over share. Okay…I get it. This tribe is not for everyone. No harm. No foul. When you find the place where you belong, you know it and for those that get what I am cooking…the flavor is just right.
Speaking of authenticity, cooking and flavor, I have a confession, well more of an observation and plan of action. I am going on yet another dietary change. Being diagnosed Celiac, intolerant to gluten made me give up wheat, rye, barley, oats, malt, whole corn and all rice expect Jasmine. Since my stroke in October of 2015, I have been watching my metabolism change yet again. In the last two months, I have gained 15 pounds while already following my dietary restrictions. So now phase #..., who knows. For the next 90 and possibly beyond, I am going ZERO GRAIN, ZERO POTATOES and ZERO ADDED SUGAR. Sickness is inevitable in one form or another, but suffering is a choice. I am a firm believer in the blood tells the story of what the body is doing. My MD knows now that my body and I are very well acquainted and as long as there is a justifiable insurance billing code for a test I request, I get it. I just found out that my thyroid is hypo (over-reactive) once again after a few years of peace and that my glucose level is good but my A1C is again elevated, which means I am have insulin resistance issues. The way I am projecting to attack this is with low carb eating, exercise, meditation and sleep. When I lost nearly 40 lbs in 2014 by simply removing gluten, the weight came off without much added effort after the whole detox process ended. This time the strategy must be different. I invite you to follow along or join me. Do you have a radical change you want to make in your life? Is there an unwanted complication that needs your attention? What is your lack of action costing you right now? Will public accountability motivate you to a new level of success? Could you use a cheer squad to help you along your way? Don’t put off today until tomorrow. I am going to document this new challenge. I am about to kick some ass (positive affirmation). I don’t like the fat me from the past. Hell, I bought new summer clothes that are not sexy in my current state of fatness/illness. Besides, I will be 50 at the end of summer and even if all the planets are not in alignment, I want to look and feel good. Let me know what's on your mind. #defineyourYES Comments are closed.
Author I am a woman, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a mother, an Integrative Archives
February 2020
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