11/21/2011 Lot to catch up on!First, I want to let you know I was selected for a Facilitator position for Shopping Matter. Yeah!!! No the job doesn't pay, but I have so much passion to share about shopping on a REAL budget and providing healthy meals. My first clients will be the parents of the College Track/Summit 54 program I work with. I mean think about it. We prep kids for college while they may be eating poor quality food. What's the use? Education for the children and the parents go hand in hand. It is now a win win working to end childhood hunger in the US by 2015. That is Share Our Strength's goal and we will need a lot more foot soldiers to make it happen. Get involved. Go to http://www.strength.org/about/ and see how you can share your strength.
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Author I am a woman, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a mother, an Integrative Archives
February 2020
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