Know That You Are the Most Important Person Perhaps this is not a foreign concept to you. Perhaps someone told you before, that you can’t take care of others until you take care of yourself. Maybe you do your best to take care of yourself, but as life gets busy, you are no longer a priority. But from this day and everyday forward, YOU MUST BE THE FIRST AND MOST IMPORTANT PERSON IN YOUR LIFE. This I not meant to neglect love ones, but yet to be able to show up more able to serve others as you serve yourself.
Live Present in the Moment. Your life only truly exists in the here and now. The past moment is gone and the next is not promised. To live the life that is meant, as it is gifted form the Universe, you must;
Practice Gratitude Daily There is power in the spoken and written word. Create a notebook or journal to show your thanks.
Express Gratitude to Others Maya Angelou said it best. “…people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”.
Live Fearless When my son was 11 years old, he had the chance to dance on stage during a performance of Morris Day and the Time. The crowd was large and this was no school recital. He was nervous, but I had been telling him, “Sometimes in life baby, you get one chance, just one. You have to jump in and just do it”. He did and the experience is a lifelong memory to propel him into future endeavors.
Know that Suffering is a Choice Suffering comes from the desire to have something a way it is not going to be. It is not the “thing” but your reaction to the thing. It is an expectation that needs to be changed to appreciation. There is always a lesson to be learned in the journey of the unavoidable adversities of life. Experience Joy Joy is in abundance each and every day in your life. It is in the large and small things. It is your duty to recognize joy when it is offered to you, so bathe in all that is offered.
You Can’t Spend Yourself Rich People often spend too much time thinking that they need material things to complete them. It is just not true. Know that it is the experiences in life that are the most memorable not material things. Plan for a vacation with friends or family. Go out to dinner with love ones. Have a potluck party at home. Live more, spend less! Pay Attention to Seasonal People People came into your life for a reason or a season, and sometimes both, yet they are not there to stay. Hear me now! YOU are not meant to keep seasonal people in your life forever. Like the seasons of the weather, they come and go. They change and during those different times of year, you have different experiences. Seasonal people are here to teach you something or help you experience something and then move on. The problem comes with our own attachments. Learn the lesson and let them go. Learn how to do something you are passionate about and find a way to get paid to do it. Be it a crafty new skill, owning a boutique or helping others eat better and lose weight, we are all here to discover our gifts and get about the job of during it. Living your life authentically will promote all of the principles of genuine intimacy for your life in 2017 and beyond. |
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